• Zhang Ying school year 103 teachers to lead students in Penang, Malaysia Taoist College study abroad exchange

    Zhang Ying school year 103 teachers to lead students in Penang, Malaysia Taoist College study abroad exchange

    103 September conditioning Health Technology Section Zhang Ying, an assistant professor led six students from the college and the community in Penang, Malaysia Taoist religious study overseas exchanges, the two sides signed a letter of intent to promote student employability, with immediate employability, closely tied to industrial demand fully provide quality technical manpower needed for industrial development.

  • District 103 annual

    District 103 annual "innovation, entrepreneurship, commercialization ─ towering pillars" runoff election

    Health Technology Section Wu Dongsheng, director of conditioning led four students to participate in the region 103 years' innovation, entrepreneurship, commercialization ─ towering pillars "won three awards, winning the school as the only college, in fact, the school's honor

  • 101 Global Leaders Summit and Spine Health Medicine Spine Medical Association and the technical symposium

    101 Global Leaders Summit and Spine Health Medicine Spine Medical Association and the technical symposium

    Huang Boxiang school principal led a delegation to Shanghai to participate in 101 years of global leaders Summit and Spine Health Medicine Spine Medical Association and the technical symposium, and served as President of the Assembly, in fact, the school's honor

  • Wu Dongsheng, director of the leadership of the teachers and students to Fuzhou University of Chinese Medicine to conduct academic exchanges 102 years

    Wu Dongsheng, director of the leadership of the teachers and students to Fuzhou University of Chinese Medicine to conduct academic exchanges 102 years

    Wu Dongsheng, director of the health department conditioning technology, led the teachers and students to Fuzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to conduct academic exchanges, the future will set a letter of intent to make graduates more choices yuan.

  • Zhang Ying, the teacher, led a delegation to Xiamen to attend the entire complex learning massage in102 years

    Zhang Ying, the teacher, led a delegation to Xiamen to attend the entire complex learning massage in102 years

    Zhang Ying, the teacher, led a delegation to Xiamen to attend the entire complex massage learning, increase students' practical experience, and taught courses linked to each other in 102 year

  •  Huang guo Zhen,the teacher, won the merit tutor, the staff and students celebrate in 103 year

    Huang guo Zhen,the teacher, won the merit tutor, the staff and students celebrate in 103 year

  • Congratulations! Hu Zhenya ,the teacher, took over the entire complex ROC traditional massage teacher and Workers Association, the National Federation chairman

    Congratulations! Hu Zhenya ,the teacher, took over the entire complex ROC traditional massage teacher and Workers Association, the National Federation chairman

    Hu Chun-Asia, the teacher, took over the entire complex of traditional massage teacher and Workers Association chairman, the National Federation of the Fifth Republic of China

  • 103年-心肺復甦加自動體外心臟電擊去顫器訓練研習,本科學生共122人報名,考照率高達96.7,全校師生同賀


    103年-心肺復甦加自動體外心臟電擊去顫器訓練研習,本科學生共122人報名,118人考取證照,考照率高達96.7,全校師生同賀103 years - CPR plus automated external heart defibrillators shock training study, a total of 122 undergraduate students who apply, test according to the rate of 96 teachers and students to celebrate 7 in 103 year.

A good friend of mine, Sara, is a mother of two, living a busy life with a full-time job. For months she had been ignoring the fact that she was constantly short of breath. She assumed it was because she hadn’t been working out and old age was catching up to her.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nec purus magna. Aenean non mauris in velit mollis ullamcorper. Aliquam pellentesque finibus magna eget fermentum. Phasellus faucibus risus sed ullamcorper rutrum. Praesent interdum nisl vitae mi dapibus iaculis. Etiam et ullamcorper tortor, nec sollicitudin eros. Praesent iaculis eu elit eu imperdiet. Aenean vitae dui commodo, malesuada diam nec, viverra tortor. Mauris finibus ex nibh, ac vulputate dui molestie a. Aliquam tincidunt eros urna, ut convallis nisl sagittis id. Vivamus accumsan enim efficitur massa condimentum, vitae suscipit orci varius. In non est sed mi lobortis efficitur vel nec lacus. Pellentesque gravida quam vel ultrices commodo. Integer mattis ex vel dictum fermentum. Proin lacinia tristique commodo.

Ut risus ante, lacinia sit amet porttitor et, interdum nec mauris. Donec aliquam molestie odio ut porta. Vestibulum sollicitudin porta eros, id finibus augue egestas eu. Donec et lorem consectetur elit eleifend commodo ac sed orci. Proin nec sollicitudin risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus finibus, leo non pellentesque scelerisque, dui augue viverra arcu, ut cursus risus metus eget sem. Vestibulum consectetur, massa sed volutpat laoreet, velit justo gravida nibh, a facilisis mi libero in arcu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer efficitur magna et fringilla interdum. Sed vel sem euismod leo auctor lobortis.

Quisque tempus ac arcu at lobortis. Nulla a ex nec tortor blandit iaculis quis et libero. Proin sollicitudin auctor urna, ut pharetra velit gravida in. Fusce sollicitudin erat accumsan, efficitur nisl ac, tempor enim. Pellentesque imperdiet feugiat egestas. Quisque mollis, risus quis vehicula gravida, turpis risus euismod felis, vitae dignissim ante eros ut mi. Suspendisse consequat, nisl at sollicitudin convallis, ligula metus porta diam, quis vehicula dui nisl ut metus. Fusce nec sodales eros, a viverra ex. Cras vitae aliquet dolor.

In at condimentum arcu, a luctus nisl. Phasellus aliquam tristique ligula et sagittis. Praesent sed tortor in arcu mattis faucibus et vitae ligula. Suspendisse viverra odio sagittis accumsan consectetur. In nec quam at libero scelerisque bibendum. Nam fermentum sit amet est nec vehicula. Morbi bibendum risus quis quam faucibus, eget elementum lacus euismod. Donec nec consectetur nulla. Aliquam id risus ullamcorper, tempus odio eu, ultricies quam. Duis quis porttitor ligula, eget feugiat nunc. Suspendisse id pretium nunc. Praesent commodo lacus vitae metus molestie, in ultrices dolor finibus. Donec neque nisi, rutrum ac luctus vel, tincidunt vitae lorem. Sed ante magna, viverra eget justo quis, varius scelerisque turpis.

